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"Our Terrible Country" presented by Cinema for Piece

Cinema for Piece monthly Screenings über das vom Krieg erschütterte Syrien.

Die von uns favorisierte"Cinema for Peace" Veranstaltung, zu der mit meist kostenlosen Filmvorführungen monatlich in Berlin eingeladen wird, findet heute Abend, den 01. Oktober 2015 um 19:00 Uhr außerplanmäßig im ACUD-Kino in Berlin Mitte statt.

Angesichts der zahllosen Flüchtlinge, die in den letzten Wochen mit oft aller letzter Kraft bei uns ankamen und um Hilfe bitten, ist es fast selbstverständlich, dass die in Berlin ansässige Organisation mit "Our Terrible Country" diesmal als Zugabe einen Film aus dem Krisengebiet Syrien präsentiert. Den aktuellen Dokumentarfilm über das vom Krieg zerstörte Land haben Mohammad Ali Atassi und Ziad Homsi erst dieses Jahr gedreht. Hier der Trailer mit erschütternden Bilder über total zerstörte Städte:

Im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung folgt vor Ort ein Expertengespräch über die aktuelle Situation in Syrien. Die Veranstaltung könnte voll werden, weshalb Reservierungen und ein frühzeitiges Erscheinen empfehlenswert sind. Der Eintritt ist frei, es wird aber um eine kleine Spende gebeten. Weitere Informationen nachfolgend in Englisch.

Invitation for the Encore Presentation of
Our Terrible Country
a documentary by Ali Atassi and Ziad Homsi
Syria 2015 I OV w/ eng sub I 85 min
followed by an expert discussion on the current political situation in Syria.

When: 1st of October, 7.00 pm
Where: ACUDkino, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
Donation based Entrance!
A reservation is highly recommended and tickets will be distributed on a first come first basis.
>> Please click here to RSVP.

What is the price for freedom in Syria?
Syria's civil war started with a hopeful uprising, characterized by nonviolent demands for reform and regime but quickly changed devolving into a grotesque civil war after Bachar el-Assad government responded with a violent crackdown. The opposition, who all want the president to step down, is split between groups of rebel fighters, political parties and people living in exile, who cannot return to the country.

Today we consider Syria’s civil war the worst humanitarian disaster of our time. The number of innocent civilians suffering ”” more than 11 million people are displaced, thus far ”” and the increasingly dire impact on neighboring countries can seem too overwhelming to understand.

Our Terrible Country, by Mohammad Ali Atassi and Ziad Homsi, tells the tale of Haj Saleh’s dramatic escape from Syria. The film, which won the grand prize at FIDMarseille last summer and is now part of the Museum of the Moving Image’s First Look 2015, captures the moment when a man of words and ideas is engaged into a series of life-changing actions and events. And it offers a terrible glimpse of the destruction caused by four years of barrel bombs, gas attacks, and jihadi madness, seen in wrecked apartment blocks and a children’s swing set, blasted away.

The Cinema for Peace Foundation presents the film “Our Terrible Country” on the occasion of the fifth year of the civil war in Syria and of the current refugee crisis.

The film series 'Cinema for Peace - Monthly screenings' started in June 2011, on the occasion of the screening to the documentary "Restrepo," in memory of the war correspondent and photographer Tim Hetherington, who was killed during a reporting from Libya. The Monthly screenings are held once a month in Berlin and in Vienna dealing with current human rights issues.

Quelle: Cinema for Peace · Friedrichstrasse 113 · Berlin 10117
